Directed biosynthesis of mitragynine stereoisomers.
Phylogeny-aware chemoinformatic analysis of chemical diversity in the Lamiaceae enables iridoid pathway assembly and discovery of aucubin synthase.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 2022, 39, msac057.
Before joining SIAT
Reactivity of an unusual amidase may explain colibactin’s DNA cross-linking activity.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141, 11489-11496.
8. Matthew R. Wilson,* Yindi Jiang,* Peter W. Villalta, Alessia Stornetta, Paul D. Boudreau, Andrea Carrá, Caitlin A. Brennan, Eunyoung Chun, Lizzie Ngo, Leona D. Samson, Bevin P. Engelward, Wendy S. Garrett, Silvia Balbo, and Emily P. Balskus.
The human gut bacterial genotoxin colibactin alkylates DNA.
Science 2019, 363, eaar7785.
7. Li Zha, Yindi Jiang,* Matthew T. Henke,* Matthew R. Wilson,* Jennifer X. Wang, Neil L. Kelleher, and Emily P. Balskus.
Colibactin assembly line enzymes use S-adenosylmethionine to build a cyclopropane ring.
Nature Chemical Biology 2017, 13, 1063-1065.
6. Sarah E. Latchney,* Yindi Jiang,* David P. Petrik, Amelia J. Eisch, and Jenny Hsieh.
Inducible knockout of Mef2a, c, and d from nestin-expressing stem/progenitor cells and their progeny unexpectedly uncouples neurogenesis and dendritogenesis in vivo.
FASEB Journal 2015, 29, 5059-5071.
HDAC3 controls gap 2/mitosis progression in adult neural/stem progenitor cells by regulating CDK1 levels.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2014, 111, 13541-13546.
4. Yi Liu, Wei Li, Yaozhu Wei, Yindi Jiang, and Xiangshi Tan.
Efficient preparation and metal specificity of the regulatory protein TroR from the human pathogen Treponema pallidum.
Metallomics 2013, 5, 1448-1457.
3. David Petrik, Yindi Jiang, Shari G. Birnbaum, Craig M. Powell, Mi-sung Kim, Jenny Hsieh, and Amelia J. Eisch.
Functional and mechanistic exploration of an adult neurogenesis-promoting small molecule.
FASEB Journal 2012, 26, 3148-3162.
Harnessing adult neurogenesis by cracking the epigenetic code.
Future Neurology 2012, 7, 65-79.
1. Shanmei Cheng,* Scott A. Edwards,* Yindi Jiang, and Frauke Gräter.
Glycosylation enhances peptide hydrophobic collapse by impairing solvation.
ChemPhysChem 2010, 11, 2367-2374.
* = equal contribution